Last Sunday evening the Colored Man hosted a little get-together for a few friends at his new "villa-ette." It had been awhile since I had entertained, so I was really excited tht everything go wll. Of course, to me the most important aspectsof entertaining is the right mix of people and the food. Both of them were in perfect order. The food was especially different and quite international; Jewish tomato and cabbage soup, a last-minute Asian-inspired soup with good old Ramen noodles, fresh American ham and turkey sandwiches on artisanal bread, and salad. Desserts were global as well, featuring English trifle, German Black Forest cake, Belgian chocolates, and a delicious blueberry coffee-cake type confection.
There were lots of laughs, and everyone really enjoyed the showing of Cabin in The Sky, the great Vincente Minelli directed movie featuring Ethel Waters, Lena Horne, and Eddie Rochester, with Louis Armstrong as one of the devil's minions, and Duke Ellington and his band. After the movie, the conversation turned to New Age religions, angels, and people who can communicate with the spirits, which I really do believe in, even though some people would say that it is part of the devil's world.
Overall, the evening was a great success, and plans are being made for the next soiree at someone else's house. Many years ago Donna Summer, the disco queen sang that she wanted to have dinner with Gershwin. That got the Colored Man to thinking, who would he want to have dinner with? Someone who changed history, been inspirational, a leader, or someone with some type of notoriety-good or bad? Planning for this event is right down the Colored Man's alley; I do love a great and grand celebration!!!
I'm thinking that I wouldn't want to have this dinner indoors, but rather outside in a field, perhaps at a beautiful country estate, surrounded by all types of fauna and flora. Fresh flowes and lots of candles would adorn the table, along with fresh bowls of seasonal fruit. Dinner would have to be prepared by chefs who have an appreciation for sustainable agriculture and be well-versed in farm-to-table culinary practices. Maybe Tabari Campbell, sous chef at the White House for the savory foods, and Gale Gund, co-owner of Tru in Chicago, as pastry chef. The menu would be multi-coursed, and would definitely have to focus on American regional foods. And I think that a full bar is in order as well, with wines paired with each course. (As a side note, did you know that until Bill and Hilary Clinton entered the White House, French cuisine was served at State dinners? With all of the American culinary traditions, you would think that that would not have been the case, but it was.)
Entertainment would consist of someone tinkling the ivories, and a small combo for after dinner, in case someone wanted to "cut the rug".
Now comes the really hard part.....trying to figure out 8 people to invite to this dinner. Some names just pop up like rockets.....Barack Obama, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - imagine their conversations over a good cigarette, while others really cause me to think about who would be someone that I would just love to meet. Josephine Baker - international star, who at one point received over 10,000 fan letters a day, Toni Morrison, Duke Ellington, Lena Horne, August Wilson, and George Gershwin. There are several names on the list that could be removed, but there are three that are a must-keep.
Any good party must have the right mix of people, who may not have anything in common, but at a minimum, common interest in intelligent conversation and good times. Of course with this hallowed imaginery group, one must think about things such as who will sit to the host's right, and left, and all of that minutaea which can really bog one down.
Just as last Sunday brought a diverse group of people together who are leaders within their own right, this imaginary dinner will bring together people who I feel have also changed history. But everytime people get together it changes history, blossoms new friendships, new understandings, and new memories. It's not really about the food, the flowers, or any of those mundane things. It's all about the people, conversations, hearty laughs, building relationships, and just enjoying life.
The Colored Man
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