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Sunday, December 26, 2010


The Colored Man is pissed!!!!!  I am boiling like a pot of hot water, waiting to be poured into a cup with a teabag in it!!!  The President and First Lady are just dumb.  Plain ole' dumb.  That's right, the Colored Man said it, D....U....M....B, DUMB!!!!! (wink-wink)

How dare President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama give a damn about the health and well-being of American citizens, in particular, its children?

See, the Colored Man knew that they were going to move up into the White House and start doing some crazy shit!!!  I knew it!!!  Just as soon as they saw the lay of the land - maids and butlers, chefs, fresh flowers, antiques, limousines, parties, travel, beautiful gowns - they would come out with the ignorant.  We just can't take them anywhere.  And to make matters even worse, Comrade Obama isn't even an American citizen!!!  Damn the Hawaiian birth certificate!!!  I am too smart to believe that official document!!! (wink-wink)

About a week ago, the President signed into law the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which is basically a continuation of the School Nutrition Act, which provides schools across the country with food and commodities to serve their school populations breakfast and lunch.  What is different about this new act is that the food being offered is focused on being healthy, nutritious, and relies on non-fattening cooking methods, such as baking and broiling.  It also will offer more fresh fruits and vegetables, nutritionally sound menus, low-fat condiments, and will provide incentives for schools that have gardening projects, and seek to purchase locally grown foods.  This new act will also allow for the creation of better nutrition standards (remember Ronald Reagan and ketchup?), and training for cafeteria staff.

Most people are not aware that school cafeterias are run just like you would run a privately-owned restaurant.  Your favorite restaurant is there to make a profit, such is the case with school cafeterias.  Food service operations do not get money from tax levies or other local/state government financial support.  They are self-supported entities within the school district.  What they do get is food commodities from the federal government to supplement what they purchase from local vendors.  The government plays a big role in school nutrition.

Over 31 million children receive meals through the school lunch program and many children receive most, if not all, of their meals at school.  With over seventeen million children living in food insecure households and one out of every three children in America now considered overweight or obese, schools often are on the front lines of our national challenge to combat childhood obesity and improve children's overall health.

One out of every three chidren in America considered overweight or obese.  Damn!!!!

This is powerful information, and the strategies to deal with it are best left to really smart, intellectual, "real" Americans, like Sarah "Caribou Barbie" Palin, Glenn "Theatrics" Beck, and Rush "I Love the Betty Ford Clinic" Limbaugh, who know how to feed American children: give them tea by the cupful.  No sooner than the bill was signed by our no-knowing Mr. President (wink-wink), out comes the trio of smarty-pants nerds-ready to save the day, talking about food police, and the government regulating what parents should feed their little fat, chubby, cherubic, corpulent, oleaginous children.

Since the First Lady was the one who came up with this less-than-stellar idea (wink-wink),  about exercise and nutrition, and talking about Let's Move!, and gardening, and other such nonsense, she has received the most attention from the trio and their fellow MENSA-member followers.  One devotee who goes by the wanna-be hip moniker of Granny Jan, has made a video featuring the First Lady forcing a carrot down Sesame Street character Elmo's throat, and dragging a little chubby boy away from a cheeseburger, french fries, and soda, while dressed as a cop.  The now removed video ends with a picture of another little fat boy, and a caption reading, "Please help me."  In other words, The Obama Food Police are after me, but I am too big to run, so I need your assistance to get away.  The Oscar-worthy cinematic tour-de-force by Granny J is designed to convince the other uninformed Rhodes Scholars that the school nutrition bill and Let's Move! both herald the Apocalypse for freedom of choice in food.  Another government conspiracy theory that is due to the actions of Comrade Obama and Mata Hara.

I don't know about you, but the Colored Man is tired of these pretenders in the White House coming up with ideas that are fresh and original. (wink-wink)  Who cares if our children don't eat healthy food and exercise.  They can't be expected to learn and excel in school like their counterparts in other developed nations, AND be fit to lead the future.  Who cares if our children have life-threatening diseases at an early age.  Who cares the the First Lady is using her power and position to help America be all that it can be.

I want those really smart people to run things.  The Palins, Limbaughs, and Becks.  Oh...., and Granny Jan too.  They have original thoughts and designs.  They rely on scholarship and research to make decisions.  They use their energy and trumped up celibritant-ness to build not destroy.  They love diversity and inclusiveness.  The have the best interests of our children in mind.  They value education - after going to 4 different colleges, you would too (wink-wink).  They believe that a healthy America equals a healthy economy.  They respect President Obama and what he is attempting to accomplish.  They listen and comprehend, even when a fellow tea-potter like Mike Huckabee tells them that the Let's Move! program is good for America, and that Mrs. Obama is right on target.  They are the kind of people one would definitely want on their side, when things got a little rough.  They really know how to bash a troublesome Alaskan fish across the head or how to give it some drugs to quiet down (wink-wink).  They practice what they preach-at least after 9 months, they do. (wink-wink)

In fact, believe it or not, THEY LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE THE COLORED MAN!!!!!  Sarah, Rush, and Glenn think that I am smart like they are.  But I have to inform them that I have never been smart.  I'm dumb too, and think that I will stick with my kind of people. (wink-wink)

Who's ready for a meatless dinner, made with locally grown vegetables, after a good brisk five-mile walk?  It's time to move baby!!!!!!

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