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Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Glamorous Life

This past week much has been discussed and analyzed regarding Hillary Rosen's statement that Anne Rommey has never worked a day of her life.  The Colored Man really doesn't understand what all of the fuss is about, and why The White House residents and employees jumped to Mrs. Romney's defense.  I know that I am going to upset some of my reader's with the following statement, but this is my blog, so I can write what I want to write.

Hillary Rosen didn't lie, and I will tell you why she didn't lie.  In my humble opinion, staying at home and raising kids is not all that hard to do, and I don't think that it really should be equaled with the work that women do outside of the home, and the struggles that many face in trying to juggle career and family.  Most of the women that I know who don't work, actually lead quite glamorous lives.....shopping, lunching, volunteering, early morning walks/runs in expensive jogging clothes with babies in even more expensive strollers, play dates, cooking dinner and cleaning house.  This is not real work.  This is actually trading your services for the security of a house and some spending money, and hoping and praying that your support system doesn't decide to trade you in for a newer, less-saggy model.

Real work consists of receiving a paycheck for working in an office from 9am-5pm, and having to meet deadlines, write reports, conduct meetings, participate in training classes, and deal with people that you don't really give two poops about.  Real work requires being able to juggle getting yourself dressed in the morning, as well as the children, feeding them, getting them on the bus, and then getting yourself to the job on time.  Real work is having a sick child at home and still having to field calls from work, or finish that report, or having to travel out of town for work while your child has the chicken pox.

If Anne Romney's work is real work, then damn, the Colored Man needs to be re-born as a woman, cause I am tired as hell of having to work.  Y'all know I like the glamorous life and with a husband like Mittens who brings in $20 million per year, I could definitely do some cooking, cleaning, and shuttling.  Taggart, Matthew, Joshua, Benjamin, and Craig would have each had their own individual nanny, chaffeur, homework helper, and I would have supervised in between my shopping, and horseback riding.  Can't you just see me in my manse with the elevators for cars supervising the domestic staff, while making arrangements for Oribe to fly in on the private jet for my daily hair appointment?  When people would ask me if I enjoyed being at home all day with my six boys, I would reply, "I don't work, I am doing my life-calling, and it's my passion!"

My mother worked all of her life making the journey from cotton fields to first-grade classrooms, and I think that if she were still living and I asked her if she ever wanted to be a housewife, she would probably look at me like I was crazy.  She probably would go on to tell me that I am not sitting at home and waiting for "man-support," when I can go out and earn my own money and do with it as I please.  I am quite sure that at some point while talking with my sister, she warned her to never be dependent on a man for survival.

Her attitude is the opinion of most modern women in today's world, who have no desire to harken back to the days of June Cleaver who was always elegantly dressed and coiffed just to cook breakfast and wash dishes.  But most women have never had the opportunity to play June, particularly women of color, so I know that this notion of housewifery is completely alien to my black, brown, and yellow sisters.  They may dream about it, but I know my fellow colored brothers and we are just not going for that my sisters.  If you got 2 legs, 2 arms, 2 eyes, 2 hands, 2 feet....if you got 2 of anything, you need to be bringing some money into the house.  Our mothers raised children and worked jobs, you can do the same.

A woman who works and brings in a paycheck is actually setting herself up for security in the future.  How many older women are living in poverty because they trusted a man to love and support "'til death do us part." only to be disillusioned when they are served with divorce papers and left with absolutely nothing.  They are left with no marketable skills, no education or irrelevant education, and are barely surviving.  The choice to stay at home and raise your kids is an individual family choice, but women need to recognize that it comes with potential perils. 

The big picture in all of this is the fact that Mitt Romney wishes to cut support programs that will have a drastic and negative impact on women.  The picture is much bigger than Ann and her so-called, "work," because she will never, ever have to rely on social programs for survival.  It's about women being financially independent, and able to have proper health care, food, and educational opportunities for themselves and their children.  Staying at home and raising children and waiting for "man-support" every two weeks, puts you at great risk.  Is that a gamble that women should take?  I say, NO!!!

Well, it's time for the Colored Man to go.  I have some work to do, and I need to do some reading on re-incarnation.  Do you think I should come back as a brunette or blonde?  I am thinking blonde like Anne Romney, as she seems to live the glamorous life!!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

....And The 2012 Pulitzer-Prize for Fiction...Goes To......

The Colored Man is no writer.  I just pretend to be one.  I will never win any prizes.  It seems that I am not capable of creating chapter after chapter of words, that when put together create a cohesive body of written entertainment.  But who knows, they say that everyone has a great novel in them, so maybe I do as well.

In order to be a great writer, one must have a vivid imagination, and be able to convince people that your fictional account is actually something that they should read and imagine that it just could possibly be a true story.  The characters that the authors create are interesting, intriguing, and bring a new viewpoint to the reader.  The written word  creates a visual for the reader and carries the reader's imagination away from their everyday lives.  The story can be completely created in the writers mind, or as E. L. Doctorow styles his writing, created based upon fiction and non-fiction; a combination of actual people, places, and events, stirred together with imaginary occurrences.

There have been some great writers of fiction throughout history, names such as, Morrison, Baldwin, Dumas, Wilde, Wharton and a host of others easily come to mind.  The latest to join the pantheon of great fiction writers is George Zimmerman, who has created a fantastical tale of mythic proportion, and international notoriety.

Mr. Zimmerman comes to the world of fiction by way of "murder most foul" to coin a phrase penned by Agatha Christie.  As the main character in his own tale of flasehoods, Mr. Zimmerman has penned an unbelievable saga that started on a dark, rainy Florida evening.  His story pits him against a young, black teenager, named Trayvon Martin.  Mr. Zimmerman was armed with a gun, while performing his duties as a Barney Fife-esque neighborhood watch commando. Mr. Martin, was armed with a bag of Skittles, and an Arizona ice-tea.  The evening ends with Mr. Martin shot in the chest and dead, with Mr. Zimmerman claiming self-defense.

As with any great piece of fiction, all of the action happens between the first and last pages, and this story is no different, except that the main character and his words and actions don't create a cohesive story.  Alot has been deliberately left out of the story, so as to confuse the reader and give one a false sense of great honesty.

Mr. Zimmerman would want us to believe that an unarmed teenager who weighed about 150lbs, was able to knock his muscular, slightly pumped-up body to the ground, pin him down, punch him repeatedly in the face, and bash his head against a cement sidewalk.  Hours later when Mr. Zimmerman exits the polie car quite easily, the cameras show not a trace of any type of trauma to his face or his head.  As a matter of fact, his clothes don't even appear to be disheveled in the least bit.  He's talking and acting quite confident after murdering someone' child.

Dear readers, please do not take the Colored Man's word....I want each of you to find someone who will aggressively and viciously throw you to the ground, punch you in the face, and bash your head onto the sidewalk.  I guarantee you that you will have blood everywhere.  In fact, if you don't have any bruises or a possible headache, or black eyes, or blood on your clothes, then send me a picture and I will send you a grand prize of nothing. Nothing, because you would be telling a damn lie, and I am not rewarding liars.

Most characters have a sidekick.  D'Artagnan had Aramis and Pathos.  Scarlett had Mammy. Silas Marner had Eppie.  George Zimmerman had the Sanford Police Department.  Sidekicks are the ones who aide and abet the main character.  Sometimes they are the protagonists, while other times they provide insight into the story.  Now the Sanford Police Department is very important to Mr. Zimmerman's story in that they seemed to have automatically believed his story from start to finish.  We subsequently find out after reading a few more chapters, that Mr. Martin's body was tested for drugs and alcohol, while Mr. Zimmerman was allowed to return home without so much as a urine test.

All great writers do research before they write.  Even the lowly Colored Man does research before he quotes information in his blog.  I do it because I want to make sure that what I am asking you to read is factual, and research based.  Mr. Zimmerman did no research, and it is evident because his fairy-tale is slowly unraveling.  Since he was negligent in covering his lies, he didn't know that the voices on the tape could be analyzed.  Remember he told us to believe that it was him yelling for help in the 911 call.  Well guess what, folks?  Independent voice-analysts have confirmed with over 90% accuracy that the voice screaming for help is not George Zimmerman.  Also remember, that according to his story, there were only two people at the altercation, himself and Trayvon.  So, whose voice is it yelling for help?  The analysts have said that at the present time they cannot say that it was Trayvon, only because they do not have a sample of his voice.  But the Colored Man would bet money that his mother still has his cellphone with his voice saying hello, leave a message, and it will be compared to the voice on the tape.  It seems that perhaps that chapter of this story will need the editor's red pen!!

Mr. Martin has given us an unfinished novel, so he has asked others to finish it for him, and they seem to be on the same path of dishonesty that he is on.  His brother can't explain the blatantly racist sotto voce "f....ing coon" statement heard on the 911 tape, except to say that perhaps the tape was doctored by the media.  His father relates, "oh no, George can't be racist, he was raised in a multi-cultural house, and he's white Hispanic".  Notice how the Hispanic part is qualified as being white, rather than just Hispanic?  Interesting.  The right-wing media has taken up his cause with their usual veiled racism, even though this story is so much bigger than race.  Others have attempted to blame the victim, "he shouldn't have been wearing a hoodie."

If there are any high-points to this story, they would be that it has opened up dialogue on so many issues that affect America; gun control, laws enacted  based upon the "stand your ground doctrine", racial profiling, law-enforcement collusion and ineptitude, and citizen activism.

What ever happens with Mr. Zimmerman, one thing we can all count on is that he will not win the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.  But the Colored Man believes that he will win an award, and that award will be....(drum roll, please) .................

Florida's Best White-Hispanic Prison Bitch for 2012 and many years to follow.